King K rool has the most golden belly
Your crown and cannon (side b and neutral b) have great synergy. Spam the crown to hit them from behind and trap them between the crown and your bullets. Also, abuse your super armor on down smash
K. Rool’s down-throw is good, but his up-throw deals 20% damage, the most damaging throw in the game. At low %, you can follow up with an up-tilt or aerial, which is useful if below a high platform.
He do be kinda thicc doe
Nair is a strong edgeguarding tool, allowing you to gimp characters with short or linear recoveries fairly easily thanks to its armor and low launch angle. (Ex Marios, most FE characters, Cloud)
The best way to beat King K Rool is to stay out of his effective range and force him to approach. He's pretty slow and his specials don't have nearly enough range to zone you out. Play Patiently.
You gotta play KRool when you play K. Rool
spam nair till its almost broken it has super armor and its fast.
Lore them in to the suck and cuck and cheese 3 stocks
Watch many K. Rool montages, it helps trust me
If you manage to get a shield break on your opponent, my favorite way to kill them is by performing this combo at roughly 100%. Push them to the edge, crown-a-rang AWAY, Jump*2, B-Air as they get hit.
If you're under the stage against Ivy, you better delay your Up B (hopefully one will ***** up) or you're so screwed, he'll DAir you and kill you off "skill"
His throws are your most reliable kill options, especially down throw. Follow up with an Ftilt or Utilt, or read when they'll pop out with an Uair or Usmash.
Use your crown carefully, losing it puts him in major disadvantage, also picking it up has a good chunk of lag unless cancelled by any other move, you can also slide with picking it up
When playing against Snake, MANY like to go high when recovering so if you think you can catch one (and/or read it's airdodge), go for an Up B and steer it as well to kill one up the top
Down Air and Back Air can 2-frame too, go for them if you want or predict when an opponent gets vulnerable on the ledge
Learn how to wavebounce with Crown, it will help with spacing a lot
Up Air is a nice kill move somewhat close to the blastzone, be aware of its endlag and use to recover better, using that immediately out if hitstun will make Rool fall with the hitbox active to escape
The only way to really style as the krok is by hitting your opponent into a floating cannon ball or comboing off returning crown. It'll take some labbing but its hella satisfying.
Hope your Up Tilt hits, if it whiffs or misses you're getting punished
First, you YEET the loli, then, you BEAT the loli!
Hope for buffs/fixes in the next patch and no buffs for the unfair "characters"
Don't reveal your belly to Ganondorf or Bowser, it's a death wish for them to touch it
DAir > Up Smash at decent percent is a nifty kombo/kill setup
You can B-reverse the blunderbuss, use that to gain a slight momentum reversal or reading a foe rolling behind from the ledge
Blunderbuss at ledge can be beaten by a getup attack, if you predict neutral getup or getup attack, go for Down Smash before you find out what the opponent does
Hope your FSmash hits, you're getting punished if you whiff it for a move that only lasts 2 frames
Focusing too much on his specials in neutral leaves you open, use them in advantage states. Use them sparingly while aggressively trading damage using your quick armored moves like ftilt and nair.
K. Rool's neutral is his crown, grabs and tilts. You have to know your spacing well to land the crown and tilts without being punished for it.
King K. Rool is the best heavy. The most commonly used gimp is the SUCC & CUCC. The easiest way to start it is by Grabbing ledge, then jump up twice, Neutral B, SUCC your opponent to Stage Spike them
DTilt can shift K. Rool's hurtbox (massive) to avoid low level ledge getup attacks and also punish
Prepare to tech when recovering near the stage, veer back and forth a bit to throw off opponents timing but make sure you get back obv
Forward Air is big (disjoint) and also a kill move at decent percent, also has little landing lag, abuse as much as you can
Well watch many K. Rool montages that have high IQ plays rather than just cheese, that helps for real, never mind the previous thing I said
FTilt is really good for spacing as well, its armored too, you can whiff it so be careful, you can also angle it up or down
Throwing Crown backwards can help with recovery as it gives a decent momentum boost, just don't be stuck in the startup animation/endlag of the move
Jab 1 has a blindspot up close, hope you don't find it
At the ledge, Up Smash is a nice option to cover many ZSS mains using Down B to recover over Up B or read ledge jumps if you time the 6th frame of the main hit, its hella satisfying to get it trust me
Did you look up “krool” on twitter too?
Down Tilt buries more than Down Throw so go for that when you need to secure a kill, also a nice 2-framing move, Forward Throw at 0 leads to some combos (Dash Attack/Jab), Down Smash can 2f too
Watch King K. Rool vlogs, its not necessarily a tip but trust me its hella funny
Throwing Crown backwards can make a hazard for recoveries or gimp terrible ones, be sure to get it back quickly when you do and read their option to punish their attempts.
Side taunt to win any game and cheat death.
*** I want k rool to down smash me irl
There are three ways to play K.Rool. #1 Spam #2 Cheese #3 Be an actual honest player
KKR's back throw was recently buffed to kill earlier while also putting opponents in a terrible position, use that as an option near the ledge at high % to secure a kill
Rack up the damage to 80% or more down throw into side smash near an edge and say bye bye!
If you can position yourself and perfectly time the frame of the main hit of Up Smash, you can punish a ledge jump -> NAir! I tried on B&K.
BAIR BAIR BAIR! Its the most BROKEN thing K. Rool has and has a HUGE sweet spot, so u can dunk them, and use your broken recovery.
KKR's belly armor was recently buffed hard to avoid most one-shots so try to use it more often, Crown armor was also buffed to tank most projectiles and a Arsene BAir, try to use it at times as well
If you don’t hit, you miss. If you miss, you don’t deal dmg. No dmg means not winning. Not winning means losing.
K. Rool has an infinite. To perform this infinite, you first down throw, jab, then once the opponent mashed out, you re-grab and repeat the process. This is the only thing that makes him viable.
Watch K. Rool vlogs, not a necessary tip but trust me they're hella funny
Play Neutral with your Projectiles. Count on hard reads, and you can end stocks fast if you do that. You need to wait for the right moment to strike, or else you WILL get punishes and lose a stock.
blunderbuss can nullify ranged attacks like Cloud sword beam and Samus MIssle, and powers through weaker projectiles like bananas and grenades
There are three ways to play K.Rool. #1 Spam #2 Cheese #3 Be an actual honest player
See a Mega Man. Run(as well as Young Link,Ness,Ganondorf,Peach/Daisy and Yoshi and Isabelle and ZSS)
There are three ways to play K.Rool. #1 Spam #2 Cheese #3 Be an actual honest player
how the **** is the steve mu even, in what world is this correct?
Big fat boah bellie got the **** crown and the **** blunderbussy and u can suck em and cuck em then suck em again and absoloutely devastate they're bootyholes
See a Mega Man. Run(as well as Young Link,Ness,Ganondorf,Peach/Daisy and Yoshi and Isabelle and ZSS)
K Rool also has a great advantage state so try and force a fight especially when you're in a good percentage range
kruel's suck and **** (currently sneed)
Crownerang can combo so make use of the crown
Crown busted, very busted. It is very underrated. Makes his neutral better
KKR's back throw was recently buffed to kill earlier while also putting opponents in a terrible position, use that as an option near the ledge at high % to secure a kill
not a tip but a question: why did it seem like a good idea to give k rool super armor on his side b lol
he a slow boi but he do be big with them attacks
Don't think, Just play No matter what
fthrow -> dash attack. oh yeah and you can get an instant like what 50% if you use neutral b and side b in conjunction correctly
spam side b to win..............................
K.rool counters non-fast characters, characters with no projectiles, characters with projectiles that get shat by crown. His counter is speedy characters that rush him down like Pichu or Fox.
https://youtu.be/yRJBsg6QT0Q amazing guide for the infinite by the best smash tuber Skuxxed.
K. Rool's counter is so bad it's not even worth using. Use your belly armor instead to prevent smash attacks but not to much or else you get punished hard.
I love me some alligator soup.
Abuse his super armor until high dmge then run liek a puss and throw ledge camp with cannonballs and crown.
King K. Rool also has the smallest **** in smash ( yes smaller than peach)
Spam neutral B from one side of the stage. When your opponent approaches, use up B to move to other side of stage.
King k fool is a gay boi and if you play him you are also gay
King K. Rool is a gay broken character that should not exist. (Still easy to beat though when you’re a Kirby main)